You recently received an invitation to a dinner party at your friend’s house. Write a letter to accept the invitation. In your letter: • explain why you are accepting the invitation • describe why you are looking forward to the dinner party • offer to bring a dish to share

Dear Sara, How have you been? I missed the wonderful time we had together at the school. I was very glad after your invitation had been received. I accept your invitation, definitely. I thought it would be an excellent time when
Correct pronoun usage
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Fix the infinitive
to meet
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each other again.
would be a unique opportunity in order to talk about mutual friends and diaries and have a tremendous dinner again. I never forget your knack for cooking. As I remember you were an eminent chef and your dishes were fabulous.
In addition
, I am swamped with work all day during the week and I don't have enough time to eat a suitable dinner.
, it would be an unbelievable option for me to try your special dish that night. Having said that, your dishes are very worthwhile for me.
Due to
the fact that I suggest bringing a dish to share. It would be a blast! I hope I can see you soon at your house. Best wishes, Mahshid
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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grammatical accuracy
Be mindful of grammatical nuances and phrase accuracy to make your letters more polished. For example, instead of 'I was very glad after your invitation had been received,' you could say, 'I was very glad to receive your invitation.' This will improve the overall readability of your letter.
suitable writing tone
Try to maintain a more formal tone throughout the letter if the situation requires it. For example, 'It would be an excellent time' can be made more formal as 'It will be an excellent opportunity.'
task achievement
You provided a complete response, addressing all requested points in the task: explaining acceptance, describing excitement, and offering to bring a dish.
greeting and closing
Your greeting and closing were appropriate and warm, effectively setting the tone for the letter.
logical structure
The letter displayed logical structure; each paragraph had a central idea that was well-developed.
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