Too much emphasis is given or educating of the young. More government money should be spent to free time activity of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s development era, some people believe that education places too much emphasis on students which led to others arguing
money should be spent on rest movement. In
essay, I totally agree with
, spending on break space activity has many positive effects on students’ health and fitness.
is because taking a rest after a hard studying in school makes them play some activities which improve their strength, and make some parts of their body more flexible and mobility.
prevents students from some mental issues
as stress and headaches.
In addition
, playing activities helps senior’s behaviour and mindfulness more active.
For example
, scientists do some research about learning effectively which shows that taking a break after studying for a long time plays an important role in the learner’s thinking because
is a strong connection between body and mindfulness in humans so when we play some games like sports, our frame will be active and flexible that lead to a sharp agility thinking.
, playing some sports after learning for a long hour in the morning makes people feel more conscious and
totally aware of all of the parts of our body
as the eyes, and brain and improves the brain system state in our mind.
, doing some active action in the morning provides good nutrition
due to
the light of the sun.
affects positively to the torso system positively because it will adjust the hormones to re-regulate the core after awakening in the morning.
benefit helps students study with more productivity, flexibility and effectiveness in the next long time studying lessons. In conclusion, governments in many countries should spend their money on break time activities because of its positive benefits on mental and physical health.

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