Too much emphasis to given for education of the young. More government money should be spent to free time activity of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, community spend their main budget to create educational and physical action for the young generation. I agree that more authority money should be spent on the free age exercise of young
, spending money on young
is the best investment. Almost in all
, schools are free and schools have more free age action for pupils.
For instance
, if school children have extra era, they could go to additional free courses or any kind of sports.
As a result
, these
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help to decrease any health problems and educational issues. Ever, in more European
, universities are
free for all
as Germany, France, Italy,..etc.
, too much investigation into education can bring more economic and political value to the ministry.
For example
, if the law gives more emphasis to education, scientists will create more useful things and
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politics can sell them all over the world.
, it takes more budget. The regime takes money from taxes to spending for any kind of sphere. In
case, to spend more budget on the future of education, the country needs to increase taxes. But it will be less problem for not developed community.
, Children
need more free
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to play with their piers. In conclusion, I firmly believe that governments should allocate their primary resources to the young generation.
investment not only contributes significantly to the development of individuals but
fosters economic and political progress.
, it is imperative to strike a balance ensuring that young
are granted sufficient free
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to enjoy their childhood, thereby fostering a holistic development approach.

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task achievement
Your essay addresses the prompt and provides arguments for both sides. However, some ideas are not fully developed or are slightly unclear. Ensure to explain your points more thoroughly.
coherence cohesion
There are a few issues with the logical structure and flow of the essay. Try to organize your points better and ensure each paragraph has a clear main idea.
task achievement
Some of the examples provided are relevant but lacking in detail. Stronger, more specific examples would help to better illustrate your points.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps in delivering a coherent message.
task achievement
You present a balanced view by discussing both the investment in education and the need for free time activities for young people.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • overemphasis
  • burnout
  • well-being
  • mental health
  • social inclusion
  • non-academic skills
  • recreational facilities
  • antisocial behaviors
  • extracurricular activities
  • diverse interests
  • personal growth
  • real-world skills
  • intellectual society
  • undue stress
  • teamwork
  • societal development
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