There days, many people like to watch live performances (such as shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

A selection of individuals keen on watching live shows
as theatres or live music on a television or a computer in their houses
of going by themselves. From my perspective,
notion provides people with benefits more than drawbacks and my supporting reason will be outlined in the following paragraphs before reaching a conclusion. At the outset, there are several positive effects of watching in their accommodation and the most significant is that people can look after their physical
. To elaborate
, going to shows or concerts can lead to ear problems because the sound
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those events is always too loud and unbearable.
, individuals might have eyesight issues
due to
the fact that there are a lot of spotlights shooting at audiences all the time. An apt illustration, I went to one of my favourite bands' concert
year and the day after the concert, I barely heard what my parents were trying to say to me;
, my eyes were blurred and hurt;
as well
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, it was hard to focus on one particular thing, because numerous spotlights shooting at my eyes directly throughout the show.
, another clear upside is citizens can be able to maintain their mental
. To explain in greater detail, after performances are finished, they do not have to waste their time on the road with a build-up
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of traffic
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, making them crossed and flustrated.
, we can see on several news that attendees in many concerts have some conflicts and fights which in turn the performer has to stop their plays immediately, destroying others' moods. To specifically demonstrate, one of my friends attended
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famous band concert
month and the group of teenagers sitting in front of him started to taunt each other;
, ended with a big clash.
, the lead vocal decided to stop their performances and when he was driving out from the parking lot; sequentially, he needed to face the hassle of driving like horn honking, bottlenecks, etc. which made him feel hotheaded and annoyed. All in all, it is a fact that the population these days tends to attend live performances at home as both a television or a computer offer a lot of advantages to its users, namely, citizens can still maintain their physical
and look after their mental
which are paramount factors in our lives.
Submitted by nnatthinee on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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