In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produce locally Why people buy imported food ? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food ?

In many nations nowadays, there are more people who prefer imported snacks to local snacks, which derives from the better standard of foreign cuisine.
can be tackled by improving the quality control of local food. It is vital to understand that the nature of fare in developed countries is better than cuisine in less developed nations.
In other words
, residents in those countries tend to buy nourishment which was imported
due to
the belief that foreign fare is better.
As a consequence
, more and more mortals choose to buy overseas nourishment
of native ones.
For example
, there are a lot of Vietnamese families who like apples from America or grapes from Japan because these agricultural artefacts from Vietnam are not as good as the foreign ones.
, the issue can be solved by the government to increase the strictness of the condition control in native products.
means that the condition of foodstuff from locals can catch up with the character of overseas subsistence in the future.
, there will be more and more mortals who believe in native artefacts and choose them to consume
of imported food.
For instance
, the European market has upgraded its process in controlling the trait of production, and
action made it become one of the bustiest markets in importing and consuming local meals. In conclusion, there are more family who choose to consume foreign products
due to
their trait.
, by enhancing the procedures of checking the meal aspect, the customers may go for the local choice.
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While your coherence and cohesion are generally good, there are some areas that could benefit from smoother transitions between ideas and sentences. Try using more linking words and phrases to guide the reader through your arguments.
task achievement
You have clearly addressed both the reasons why people prefer imported food and the possible solutions to encourage the consumption of local food. This demonstrates a good grasp of the task.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which makes it easy to follow your line of reasoning.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allure
  • novelty
  • diversity
  • perception
  • premium
  • globalization
  • cuisines
  • economic factors
  • subsidies
  • tariffs
  • competitive
  • farm-to-table
  • eco-conscious
  • consumption
  • sustainability
  • local economy
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