Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities, for example, helping at home or at work. Others believe that outside of school children should be free to enjoy life.

Certain individuals consider that youngsters ought to do additional chores. Other types of people believe they should have leisure time outside of educational centres.
extra tasks may affect their impending years, I firmly believe entertainment
make them always cheerful.
To begin
with, participating in leisure
instills a sense of enthusiasm in the young generation and can be the primary source of a joyful day, brimming with happiness. Recreational pursuits allow
to relish their lives and spread
joyful contentment to those around them.At school, they don't have many opportunities to take breaks from their lessons.
they have sports, including basketball or tennis, these
are limited in duration and may not provide enough enjoyment during school hours.
According to
UNICEF, regularly engaging in rotational
the opportunity to balance their responsibilities and leisure, promoting
well-being and helping to maintain dopamine harmony.
On the other hand
, doing duties helps youngsters to build a stable future from early years and achieve a successful career every time.
learn to take ownership of their tasks and understand the importance of completing them.
,duties like cooking, cleaning, or helping with minor repairs teach practical skills that are valuable throughout life.
In contrast
, engaging in household chores at home supports
to become self-reliant rather than dependent on others.
For example
, in Japan, encouraging
to take on responsibilities has led to increased independence and self-confidence. Teaching
from a young age to participate in housework helps them understand the challenges and significance of various tasks.
, they develop an appreciation for the efforts of others and teach these values to future generations. In conclusion,
both fun
and household chores have their respective advantages, I believe maintaining a balance between the two exercises is the most effective way to construct a productive and successful future every time for
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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task achievement
You have addressed both perspectives effectively.
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