Experts say that if older people spend their time with others and exercise daily, they will be healthier and happier. However, many elderly people do not exercise and spend time alone. What are the reasons for this? How can this be resolved?

It is said that engaging in daily social interactions and exercise improves mental and physical health for the elderly. Despite
, many senior citizens nowadays feel lonely and unhealthy. From my viewpoint,
tendency can be attributed to several reasons, and resolutions can be made to mitigate the problem. The frequent occurrence of loneliness and unfitness among older individuals can be attributed to a variety of factors. For one, retirement can be blamed for the source of desolation. Without the responsibility of work or interactions with colleagues, elderly individuals are likely to feel aimless and isolated when staying at home for extended periods.
it could be argued that retirement affords the elderly more time to spend with family members,
circumstances are not common for those residing in rural
or small towns since young adults and middle-aged individuals tend to move to major cities in pursuit of career opportunities. Regarding the problem of inadequate health, a significant number of senior citizens currently live in
lacking public spaces,
as parks or stadiums, which discourages them from engaging in physical activities.
they could theoretically exercise at home, given their constant residence, I doubt that they will feel comfortable. Numerous steps can be taken to alleviate these issues.
, more factories and industrial zones should be encouraged to relocate to rural
or towns, facilitating face-to-face interactions among adult workers and their elderly parents. To achieve
, governments should offer tax incentives,
as property and corporation tax breaks, and invest in infrastructure, including transportation networks and roads.
, some old buildings and unused lands in large cities should be demolished to make way for the construction of public facilities, creating environments with greenery and fresh air conducive to outdoor activities
as tai chi, yoga, or walking. In furtherance of
, those living near
demolitions should be well-informed in advance, steering clear of any possible conflicts or resentment afterwards. In conclusion, feelings of isolation and decreased well-being among the elderly can stem from a variety of factors, including retirement and limited access to public spaces.
problem can be addressed through the relocation of businesses to rural
or towns and the establishment of public spaces.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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