Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. Other people say believe its good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss boths views and give your own opinion

play a crucial role in our lives, as we spend a great deal with them. For some individuals, it is better to communicate with someone who all the time has similar opinions rather than with
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humankind who has a disagreement view. I will discuss some pros and cons of choosing different types of
. On the one
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there are many factors why it is valuable to have
with the same opinion.
For instance
, he imagines himself in the situation as you and can help you faster.
In addition
, having equal opinions with your friend can avoid conflict, so your friendship may lost for a long.
On the other hand
, having disagreements on some topics would lead to a discussion between
and develop intellectual level.
, a friend with a different view informs you of negative consequences.
For example
, if you
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addicted to bad
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, your friend must
strong disagreement can often ruin
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the friendship
a friendship
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. In conclusion, I believe that people should have a good mix of
who have diverse opinions. Personally, I think that we should select
who sometimes have contrasting visions to ours as it benefits us more.
Submitted by rohilaimronshoeva1 on

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Ensure you fully respond to the task by addressing all parts of the prompt. In your essay, briefly mention the opposing view when explaining your conclusion to show a balanced understanding of both sides.
Work on developing your ideas more clearly and comprehensively. Add more specific examples and explanations to strengthen your arguments. For instance, give specific instances of when differing opinions have helped you or others grow intellectually.
Improve the logical flow of your ideas by using clear topic sentences and transitional phrases. This will help guide the reader through your arguments more effectively. For example, use phrases like 'Firstly', 'Secondly', and 'In addition' to structure your paragraphs clearly.
Support your main points with detailed and relevant examples. This will add depth to your arguments and make your essay more persuasive. Avoid vague sentences and be specific about the situations you describe.
You have successfully included an introduction and a conclusion, which provides a clear start and finish to your essay.
You present a balanced view by considering both the benefits of having friends with similar opinions and those with differing opinions.

Word Count

IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 250 words in writing task 2. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long essay will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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