You have borrowed something from your friend and it has got damaged. Write a letter to your friend. -apologize for damaging the product / stuff -explain what happened -say how are you going to fix the issue

Dear John, I hope you are doing well. I am writing to tell you about a piece of bad news about the power bank which you lent to me has some problems.
, I do apologize that I did not take good care of it because one time I grabbed it without carefulness and dropped it down to the ground. Since that time, I found it started to be dysfunctional. Sometimes it cannot be charged but sometimes it seems like works properly. The frequency of unexpected conditions like recharging problems arose, and I think I should tell you and find an appropriate solution beforehand. In
case, I have been searching for the same power bank and would like to give it back to you. If you don't mind, I will visit you next week and bring
for you. Again, I am sorry for letting it break and hope it may not cause you a big problem. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Wishes, Tim
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coherence cohesion
To improve your logical structure, try to ensure that each point flows smoothly from one to the next, making it easier for the reader to follow.
task achievement
Consider adding more explicit details about how you plan to rectify the issue, such as the brand or model of the new power bank you plan to buy.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing are properly formatted and polite, which contributes well to the overall tone of the letter.
task achievement
You have addressed all parts of the task: apologizing, explaining what happened, and proposing a solution.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is suitable for the context and shows concern and responsibility.
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