Making a lot of money is the only way to evaluate whether someone else is successful. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? Write 300 words of an academic essay about it using your explanation and specific examples to support your answers.

The assertion that financial wealth is the sole yardstick for measuring prosperities is a reductionist perspective that overlooks the multifaceted nature of human achievement.
monetary prosperity undoubtedly holds significance in contemporary societies, equating triumph solely with money fails to account for various other dimensions of accomplishment,
as intimate fulfilment, societal contribution, and holistic comfort.
, I contend that evaluating victory exclusively through pecuniary affluence is an oversimplification that disregards the complexities of human endeavours.
To begin
with, personal contentment and well-being are essential components of achievement that cannot be quantified solely in monetary terms.
In other words
, individuals who prioritize work-life balance, pursue meaningful relationships
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or prioritize intimate growth over financial gain. For them, success may entail achieving a sense of contentment, happiness, and inner peace, which cannot be bought with wealth alone. Take Vincent van Gogh, whose masterpieces continue to inspire generations, or Marie Curie, whose groundbreaking research in radioactivity revolutionized modern science. Their legacies transcend monetary opulence, illustrating that success encompasses broader dimensions beyond material riches.
, societal contributions and altruistic endeavours often define accomplishment more profoundly than financial accumulation alone. To explain, acts of philanthropy and contributions to society have a tangible impact on the lives of others. Whether through funding education initiatives, supporting healthcare systems, or addressing environmental issues, these efforts directly improve the well-being of individuals and communities. The influence resonates on a deeper level and contributes to a sense of fulfilment and purpose beyond the realm of personal wealth. Philanthropists like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett exemplify
principle, as their philanthropic efforts have transformed countless lives and addressed pressing global challenges. Their success lies not only in amassing riches but
in using their resources to effect positive change on a global scale, underscoring the importance of universal impact as a measure of flourishing. In conclusion,
economic prosperity is undeniably one aspect of accomplishment , it is by no means the sole determinant. Triumph is a multifaceted concept that encompasses personal fulfilment, societal contribution, and holistic well-being.
Submitted by gautopsoi368 on

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task achievement
The essay could benefit from adding more real-world examples or data to further support the argument. While the examples provided are strong, additional details could enhance the overall argument.
coherence cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between different points or ideas. While the essay is cohesive, inserting transitional phrases could improve the flow.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear and engaging introduction that sets the stage for the discussion.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and reiterates the central argument.
task achievement
The essay provides strong, relevant examples to support the argument, such as the mentions of Vincent van Gogh, Marie Curie, and philanthropists.
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