Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to show imported foreign film and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is beneficial for culture in a particular nation that imports
programmes and films from foreign
it is believed these should be produced locally.
the second has the advantage of avoiding international arguments, I completely agree with the first one, which improves the global
, producing movies and
channels locally is thought to be a better option because international arguments can be avoided. To explain, a film or a
channel made by a particular nation may contain some scenes or contents that badly affect
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cultures, which can cause arguments between continents. If it becomes worse, the war is unavoidable.
For example
, in the past, the Chinese used to make a film that used the wrong map, creating confusion about the region belonging to Vietnam.
author agrees with the other side
due to
the improvement in the global
In other words
, importing foreign works of art -
as movies or
programmes - can stimulate curiosity among residents, which is a main contributory factor in bolstering the tourist rate.
, develop the commercial around the world. Take the USA as an example, films coming from
country have benefitted not only the
throughout the USA but
other nations by the quantity of tourists. In conclusion, producing locally may be a good idea to avoid controversy in the world. Yet, I completely agree with the opinion that imported movies and
channels may have a positive effect on the
of a country, which can lead to improvement in the international market.

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task achievement
To achieve a higher band score, consider elaborating further on each point with additional details or examples. For instance, you could expand on the types of cultural exchange that imported films bring or on specific examples of economic benefits from the USA's film industry.
coherence cohesion
Your essay could be improved by making clearer transitions between your points. For example, use transitional phrases like 'On the other hand' to indicate a shift in argument or 'Furthermore' to add additional points. This will enhance the logical flow and make your argument easier to follow.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a well-structured introduction and conclusion, which summarises your argument effectively.
task achievement
You have used relevant specific examples, such as the USA film industry's impact on the global economy, which strengthens your argument.
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