The chart below show the result of a survey of adult education. The fist chart shows the reasons why adult decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

The chart below show the result of a survey of adult education. The fist chart shows the reasons why adult decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.
The line graph illustrates the reasons why adults would like to study, and the pie chart shows people's opinions about the cost-sharing of adult education.
, it can be seen that a large majority of people choose to study because of their interest in the subject and gaining qualifications. Other than that, they think the percentage for individuals should be the biggest shared for each course expense.
To begin
with, studying because of
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an adult's
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interest in the subject and gaining qualifications for their job market values are the main objectives of the respondents and have been reported 40% and 38% respectively, followed by the purpose of helping their existing job with 22%.
improving prospects of promotion and enjoying studying have the same percentage of 20%, the least amount of percentage is responsible for meeting people which is 9%. Shifting to the second chart, it is apparent that adults think the expenditure for each course must be shared mostly for individuals and employers, with 40% and 35% consecutively. When it comes to taxpayers they account for the smallest portion at 25%.
Submitted by Nastaran_zandy on

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