Buying things on the Internet, such as books, air tickets and groceries, is becoming more and more popular. Do the advantages of shopping in this way outweigh the disadvantages?

The Internet has become a part and parcel of our lives. We can not imagine a life without the Internet. By using a website, people can get done their work from home. Nowadays, we are not required to go out shopping because of the different kinds of services available online. I will pen down my viewpoint on the advantages of technology. Today's era is a technology era. The world has changed from a traditional system to an artificial intelligence system. There are numerous benefits of online services.
a person does not need to leave their place for shopping and has a lot of options to buy the same item on a different cart portal.
For instance
, people can purchase desired items at a cheap cost by comparing to different seller's domains.
the public can save time and money by using online services for orders.
For example
, one does not need to pay for travel charges and can go shopping in a minute. Every coin has two sides. As with advantages, the internet
has disadvantages.
, there are many scammers available online who make fake domains and commit fraud with the society.
For instance
, recently an unknown company made a fake website and was selling smartphones at a cheaper cost. They were getting money from the customers and telling them to wait until a month for shipping. They committed fraud for one month and
closed the website.
, online data are not protected, hackers can reach your computer and steal your bank details.
, small vendors in the market will be unprivilged from the earnings.
To conclude
, I assert that, online shopping is very crucial nowadays. Because of a hectic life, folks do not have time to go out shopping.
, buying groceries and household items is more beneficial rather than demerit.
Submitted by ap064911 on

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To improve coherence and cohesion, ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. Using more linkers and transitional phrases can help with this.
task achievement
To strengthen task achievement, consider discussing both sides of the argument in more depth. This would show an understanding of both the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping.
task achievement
Be mindful of grammar and sentence structure to enhance clarity and readability. Small errors can distract from your main points.
The essay effectively introduces the topic and provides a clear viewpoint on the advantages of technology.
The introduction and conclusion are present, summarizing the topic effectively.
task achievement
The essay includes relevant specific examples that support the points being made, like the incident with the fake website.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • convenience
  • time-saving
  • wide selection
  • competitive prices
  • discounts
  • accessibility
  • global marketplace
  • availability
  • fraud
  • scams
  • lack of
  • physical interaction
  • personal experience
  • impersonal
  • customer service
  • delays
  • delivery
  • return process
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