You have recently ordered an item from the internet, but are not happy with the purchase. Write to the company. In your letter •Describe what you purchased •Explain why you are not happy with the purchase •Tell them what you would like them to do about the situation

Dear Sir/Madam, I am one of your loyal customers and I am writing to show my dissatisfaction with the product which I have purchased from your online store. Recently, I bought a Samsung Galaxy
smart watch
Correct your spelling
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. As soon as I received it, I was totally disappointed.
, the sensor of the watch is faulty.
, it does not have
Correct determiner usage
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charger. Without
Add a comma
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it would not work.
Remove the comma
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I tried to find the same, I couldn't get it anywhere. I am grieved and annoyed. Yours is supposed to be one of the most reputed online
Change to a plural noun
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. I request you to kindly replace the damaged item with the new one. If it is not possible to replace it, do refund the amount as it comes under
Correct article usage
the return
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policy. I have attached the payment receipt. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Preet
Submitted by krnveerrsingh on

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coherence cohesion
In the opening paragraph, it's good to briefly mention what the letter will be about, preparing the reader for the details that follow. For example: 'I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with a recent purchase from your online store.' This adds clarity and prepares the reader for the specifics.
task achievement
When explaining why you are not happy with the purchase, consider indicating how these issues affect you or your usage of the product. This adds depth to your explanation and makes it more persuasive.
coherence cohesion
The letter opens with a clear and polite greeting, establishing a respectful tone which is appropriate for a complaint letter.
task achievement
You have clearly described the item purchased and listed the issues in a detailed manner, making it easy for the reader to understand the problem.
task achievement
The request for a replacement or refund is clearly stated, giving the company a clear understanding of what corrective action you expect.
coherence cohesion
The closing of the letter is polite and professional, including an offer to provide further assistance and expressing anticipation for a response. This encourages a positive interaction.
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