the diagram below shows the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and how it looks now.

the diagram below shows the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and how it looks now.
The given maps illustrate the difference between the past 20 years and now in the central library.
, it has been decorated in some detail. Turning to more details, it can be seen that tables and chairs have been exchanged with sofas that
have been relocated, in the past they were in the
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of the library but now they are at the top of the left side which is used for children's fiction books and storytelling event
in the past was for computer games and
it has been expanded as well.
, the current library has established a cafe in turn of an inquiry desk at the right bottom
, the shape of the location is different, the children's book
has been converted into a lecture
. The computer
is new and has been restructured from the reading
and the entrance has been relocated too. At least, some new facilities have been constructed
as self-service machines and information desks that were not there before.
Submitted by safehiana on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words room with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
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