Many young people do not spend their holidays and weekends doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in natural environments. Why is this the case? How can they be encouraged to go out?

These days, many youngsters do home
more than outside
during holidays. There are several reasons for
essay will discuss these reasons and the suggested ways to change that. Nowadays, the main common reason young people spend their leisure
at home is the revolution of technology. To explain that, most youngsters prefer spending their weekends on electronic devices rather than doing outdoor
For instance
, TV programs have a variety of entertainment for youth.
, they spend less
playing in the natural environment.
In addition
to that, video games consume
among adolescents. To illustrate that, some studies state that 75% of teenagers spend their holidays playing electronic games on the internet. As a clear example of that, My brother games PUBG and Fortnight with his friends all weekends. Some actions should be taken to motivate youngsters to do outside
. One of these actions is to make these
desirable for youth.
In other words
, the government may arrange a competition for some
as walking and hiking,
as well as
provide a good reward for the winners.
In contrast
, parents have a responsibility to prompt their children to participate in
event. As a real example,
year, AL-Ahsa Municipality organized the AL-Ahsa Run Competition to encourage young people to walk in the open air, and there was a reward for three first places. In conclusion, most adolescents may prefer playing on the Internet and watching TV in their free
of going out. The state and family should motivate them to do outside
by organizing some outdoor events to make them more interested.
Submitted by btool.taher on

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task achievement
While your essay has a clear structure and addresses all parts of the prompt, the examples and reasons could be more varied and detailed. This would enhance the quality and impact of your arguments.
coherence cohesion
Linking words and phrases are used, but some transitions could be smoother. Also ensure that each paragraph has a clear and single focus, as at times, your points seem to blend into each other.
coherence cohesion
Double-check your essay for subject-verb agreement and other grammar issues. Phrases like 'games PUBG and Fortnight' should be revised for clarity and accuracy.
coherence cohesion
Your essay is well-organized with a clear introduction and conclusion, aiding in overall readability.
task achievement
You identified and explained relevant reasons for why young people prefer indoor activities and provided actionable solutions for the problem.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • digital entertainment
  • urbanization
  • peer influence
  • natural environments
  • engage in outdoor activities
  • lack of awareness
  • safety concerns
  • convenient
  • remote areas
  • benefits
  • unfamiliar areas
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