You are going abroad on holiday and your friend will stay in your home while you are away. Write a letter to your friend, in your letter - explain where you hide the keys - describe what your friend needs to do in your absent - say when you are coming back

Dear Ann, How's life there? I hope
letter finds you well. I would like to thank you for agreeing to take care of my house as long as I am on my holiday. I am writing
letter to tell you some information that you need to know associated with that. As you know, I am going to leave on 2nd June, which is tomorrow morning. So, here are several things that you have to know before you come there.
, I will leave the key under the mat in front of the door.
, I have bought you some snacks and I will put it on the table, in front of the TV.
In addition
, as I said before I need you to take care of my cat, Alina. I have put her food beside her cage, and usually she eats three times a day which is at 8 A.
in the morning, at 12.30 A.
in the afternoon, and
at 7.00 P.
in the evening.
, if you have free time, please take her out of the house every morning.
That is
all about Alina's necessity. I will come back here on 12th June, and if my schedule goes as I planned I will arrive home at 5.00 P.
. Thank you so much for agreeing to help me
Verb problem
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take care of my house
I am not here, I really appreciate that. See you when I come back home, Ann. Sincerely, Wiwik
Submitted by patricius.yohanes on

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coherence cohesion
Try to work on paragraph divisions to make sure each paragraph contains one main idea. This helps to make your writing clearer and easier to follow.
task achievement
Double-check your text for small grammatical errors or awkward phrasing to further improve clarity.
task achievement
You provided a friendly and suitable tone for the letter, making it pleasant to read.
coherence cohesion
The greetings and sign-off are properly utilized, making the letter feel more personal.
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