in many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the countryside is decreasing. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

The debate surrounding the migration of those living in suburbs to
has sparked considerable controversy.
some assume
notion is beneficial to society, I highly regard it as a negative development
due to
the reasons
elaborates on. One major drawback of
phenomenon is the rise in major
' population.
surge often exacerbates
' air pollution
due to
the greater use of personal vehicles and
, more toxic gas emissions.
, with more vehicles on the roads, residents suffer from traffic jams and bottlenecks more often.
, they would experience frustration during pick hours,
coupled with
lateness to their desired destination, eventually harming
's peace of mind. Take Tehran, the capital city of Iran, as an example; where many
from the countryside moved there, seeking better job vacancies. Meanwhile, the government recorded a significant decline in Tehran's air quality,
together with
more public complaints of traffic congestion at the time, highlighting the detrimental impacts of their migration. The devastating outcomes of
migration go beyond overpopulation in
and come to societies' disadvantage by demolishing their cultural heritage.
is mainly because rural
typically hold traditional
, and with fewer individuals being aware of them, they gradually fade away.
In addition
, these
incorporate occupations
as agriculture. With being less practised, the country would experience a drawback in food supplies, the majority of which rely heavily on agricultural operations.
, local markets in the countryside would come into a recession, ultimately upsetting the country's economic status. To illustrate, once individuals from a specific village in France moved to Paris, the governors declared a massive drop in residents' awareness of their ancient ways of life and that with traditional
being diminished, the country found it hard to provide adequate food resources.
To conclude
some believe
notion brings communities benefits, I subscribe to the fact that, for the most part, it is detrimental to society. In fact, it not only makes
experience a more hectic life but
diminishes the crucial ancient
that the society takes pride in and economic advantage from.
Submitted by bita.rezaei7052 on

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task achievement
The essay presents a clear argument and supports it with relevant examples. However, some of the sentences are complex and could be simplified for better readability.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. Some ideas seem somewhat abruptly introduced or concluded. Using more transitional phrases could help improve the flow.
coherence cohesion
Try to reduce minor grammatical and vocabulary errors, which are present but do not obscure the meaning of the sentences.
task achievement
The essay provides strong examples to support the main points, such as the references to Tehran and France. This strengthens the argument significantly.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are both clear and effectively summarize the argument, providing a strong sense of closure.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of the essay is solid, with a clear delineation of main points and supporting arguments.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • rural-to-urban migration
  • population shift
  • positive impact
  • negative impact
  • urbanization
  • job opportunities
  • access to education
  • access to healthcare
  • urban infrastructure
  • rural traditions
  • cultural heritage
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