Students leave high school without learning how to manage their money. What are the reasons and solutions for this issue?

In the modern day, there is a significant rise in school leavers. These students are stopping their education without learning the consequences, to be specific, managing their financial situation. There are various reasons behind
essay will discuss the cause and proposed solutions to
issue. One of the main reasons for
matter is that schools do not teach
financial subjects.
other curriculums are important, it is vital that
need to learn how to handle money and why it is important to have it under control. In Australia, young people are allowed to work casual jobs at the age of 15. These youngsters have exposure to real-world jobs and earn bare minimum wages. Without proper guidance, some of them might think that they can earn money easily and spend more than they could afford.
leads to
loan burdens in the future, and it could take them years to pay back. The ideal solution to
is adding an extra subject to teach
about managing money. It can be taught in a way
that is
-friendly, so they are educated on monies, and how to treat it as a tool, rather than a goal.
, parents are recommended to teach their
when they are young, so they can have a basic concept of individual finance.
, students should always be encouraged to continue with their studies, as they can reach higher salary expectations if they have the right knowledge.
To conclude
, schools and society need to work hand-in-hand to reduce
issue. Knowing the root cause and finding the right solutions will help the younger generation deal with personal finances appropriately.
Submitted by midden-02.tore on

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Your essay covers both the reasons and solutions to the problem effectively, but try to delve slightly deeper into each point to provide a more comprehensive analysis.
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Your examples, such as the scenario in Australia, add valuable context and illustrate your points effectively.

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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