By punishing murderers with the death penalty, society is also guilt of committing murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The public opinion on the
penalty may never reach a consensus, as many believe that only the
of the murderers is the acceptable retribution,
others maintain that
form of punishment is in fact a judicial murder and
sanction should be replaced by a
sentence. Personally speaking, I share the viewpoint that
penalties need to be abolished but for different reasons.
To begin
punishment should be nullified because it is not as effective as commonly assumed, and its implementation is often influenced by a multiplicity of factors, resulting in injustice. First of all, clear evidence has suggested that the violent crime rate is not correlated with the enforcement of the harshest retribution, which invalidates the claim that the
penalty can prevent crime.
, most of those who have been executed in the US are strikingly black or brown;
the proportion of non-white criminals may be higher than the white faction, whether racial discrimination has contributed to
stark phenomenon remains mythical.
, because the criminal justice system is not immaculate, there are still cases of innocent individuals being sentenced to
, inflicting great pain and suffering on their families and friends. That said, to reduce harm,
extreme punishment shall be superseded by better approaches.
imprisonment might be the current best alternative here for three reasons: it is more moral, it safeguards the public, and it can significantly minimise the potential damage. A
sentence is more ethical to the public, as judges and jury members do not bear the moral burden of taking someone’s
. Putting violent criminals behind bars can
protect people from getting hurt and deter similar crimes.
, since juries are known for making terrible mistakes,
of arbitrarily sending people to
row, a more lenient
sentence may not only offer a second chance for those who are remorseful but
save innocent lives.
, for the benefit of individuals and society, and with the intention to extirpate injustice, criminals should be allowed to spend the rest of their lifetime in jail. In summary,
the mainstream public continues to support the
penalty, its benefits have been exaggerated and its negative impacts overlooked.
, adopting
imprisonment as a replacement could improve the situation.
Submitted by yanjinru0827 on

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