Nowadays many people wear western clothes rather than their traditional clothes. What are the reasons for it? Is it a positive or negative development?

It is certainly true that Western
are the first choice among many people rather than their traditional
is mainly
due to
trendy fashion, comfort, multiple options and availabilities. I believe that
is a positive change and widely accepted by the entire
. There are a number of reasons why the public prefers to wear Western
In other words
, they wear these
all the time and everywhere.
is because of a significant contribution to fashion trends. Nowadays, Individuals want to be good-looking,
, they feel that Western
show better body language and smartness.
types of
provide comfort, and convenience and are easily available in the market with different options ranging from higher to lower cost.
As a result
, the community select them widely based on their choices and budget.
For example
, based on a survey by the University of Mumbai in the year 2024, the highest growth sales were realized in Western
for FY 22-23
due to
the first preference of citizens. It is obvious that adopting Western attires has a positive development.
In other words
, It is considered as a great revolution in the current era
due to
the various advantages.
, It has broken a typical religious orthodox human mentality in some parts of the
which do not allow a person to wear freely their attires. The
give them confidence , especially women who now can be more relaxed and independent and show their contribution to the
, Western
bring society closer
due to
equality and uniformity as the entire
now follows the same attires.
For instance
, in many parts of India, the women do not wear their
called "Saree" as they want to follow Western culture and tradition. In conclusion,
due to
the massive changes in the lifestyle of the population, Western
are extremely famous nowadays, considering more benefits and current and future positive
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task achievement
Provide more specific and varied examples to support your points, rather than relying on a single survey. This will enhance the credibility and richness of your argument.
task achievement
Ensure that your ideas are fully developed and elaborated upon, offering a deeper insight into the reasons and impacts discussed.
coherence cohesion
Work on smoothing transitions between points and paragraphs to make the essay flow better. This will help in maintaining a logical structure and making your arguments easier to follow.
coherence cohesion
Clarify and expand on some of your main points to reinforce your arguments. For example, explain more about how Western attire has led to increased equality.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction clearly outlines the topic and presents your viewpoint effectively, providing a solid foundation for your essay.
coherence cohesion
You have structured your essay with clear paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the topic, which helps in maintaining coherence.
task achievement
You have successfully identified and elaborated on several reasons why people prefer Western attire, showing a good understanding of the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Globalization
  • cultural exchange
  • modernity
  • versatility
  • practicality
  • Western media
  • fashion industry
  • widespread adoption
  • professional settings
  • preservation
  • cultural diversity
  • cultural integration
  • cross-cultural understanding
  • unique cultural identities
  • expression of individuality
  • innovative
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