You have been offered a job that will require you to move to a city that you have never visited before. You have an acquaintance that lives there. Write a letter to the acquaintance. In your letter • explain your situation • say why you feel unsure about living in the city • ask some questions about life in the cit

I hope you are fine, I am not sure if you still remember me, I was your batchmate at university. I am writing
letter to seek your feedback and advice on the
you live in. I was recently offered a job in the
hospital. At
I presumed I would be offered the position in my
until the
minute it was changed to the branch situated in your
. I am not sure about relocating there as I am not sure how safe it is
, the company provides accommodation and a travel allowance. I watched your posts and reels on Instagram, the
sure does look clean and safe.
, I would like to talk to you and to know more about the place. Despite being unsure, you might be able to help me change my mind. Hope for your response when you get my letter. you can contact me on 123456789 whenever you are free. Yours lovingly, Abhilash
Submitted by rathan6886 on

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task achievement
Clarify the specific questions you need to be answered about the city to ensure a more comprehensive response from your acquaintance.
coherence cohesion
Strengthen the logical flow by ensuring each paragraph leads naturally into the next. This will enhance the overall coherence and make the letter more engaging to read.
task achievement
You effectively communicated the purpose of your letter and your current situation, making it clear to the recipient what you need from them.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing are appropriately used, providing a polite and friendly tone throughout the letter.

The Greeting

Depending on the style and aim of the letter, you will need to adapt your greeting.

Always start an informal letter in the ways:

  • Dear + name
  • Hi / Hello + name

‘Dear...’ is more appropriate, so stick with this.

For a formal letter there are two options for the greeting:

  • Use Dear Sir or Madam if you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to.
  • Use Dear + surname if you do know their name, e.g. Dear Mr Smith or Dear Mrs Jones.

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