Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your best friend who is a musician. In your letter ● ask your friend to perform at the wedding ● describe why he/she would be suitable for this event ● explain how your friend will be compensated if they agree.

Dear Joey, I am writing
letter to tell you that my sister’s marriage is
at the end
of the
Correct word choice
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month and she put all the responsibility for the arrangement of the music on my shoulders for it. Buddy, since you are my best friend and an amazing musician
Change preposition
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Change preposition
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my acquaintances, I would love to invite you to perform at
auspicious event. It will certainly create a stunning aroma if you sing Ed Shreen’s song “You Look Perfect Tonight”. I vividly remember your mesmerising voice when you sang “Blind Love” on my birthday
year and honestly, it was so overwhelming to me.
is the reason why I think you are the most suitable for
occasion. Pal, I hope you will make a slot from your busy schedule for
event, and if you send me your acceptance for it
along with
your charges, I will transfer it to your mobile number through the Cash app. Apart from that, not only will I pay for your travel expenses, but I
have already planned your stay arrangements. I hope you will accept my invitation and can’t wait for your reply. Yours lovingly, Jacob
Submitted by Mrjit147 on

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coherence cohesion
To achieve a higher score, you could refine the transitions between paragraphs for an even smoother flow. Consider adding more concrete details about the event, such as the date, time, and location, to further enhance completeness.
task achievement
It is advisable to double-check for minor grammatical issues and word choices. For instance, 'aroma' could be replaced with 'atmosphere' to better match the context.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is very friendly and suitable for writing to a best friend, which meets the task achievement criteria well.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of the letter is clear, with a greeting, body paragraphs covering all key points, and a closing.
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