“Prevention is better than cure” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and prevention measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the importance of focusing on public
has become a prominent topic. As can be seen, the proportion of people who have
problems is increasing.
, more and more money is being spent to cure them. Personally, I adhere to the opinion that the majority of the country's budget should be spent on well-being
and preventative measures
To begin
with, it is undeniable that
and preventative actions save a lot of property for the government. To be more precise, educating people raises awareness about how important avoiding maladies is and what can we do to prevent them.
As a result
, the number of disorders will decrease and that will save a lot of money for the country which and be allocated to other purposes
. The contribution of parents and schools to teaching youngsters is indispensable.
For instance
, they can tell kids some basic ways like exercising every day, staying away from bad habits and eating healthy foods and if it is affordable, providing them with tonic, which can help them increase their energy and strength.
, in
way, they can prevent future
, apparently, spending billions on cures is just an immediate action. In fact,
can not help the body completely cured most of the time.
For example
, eye surgery can not keep the eyes to stay fit for so long.
like medicine can cause some side effects on the patients' bodies. Efferalgan, which is a medicine that helps the body to decrease temperature, perfectly exemplifies these kinds of medicines. In other words, studies have discovered that it can harm the patient's liver in the long run.
that, some
can not be treated
as lung cancer and HIV/AIDS. Under those circumstances, cash is just used for keeping patients alive for a
, it is better to spend money on research and
to find a way to treat these
. In conclusion, I believe that the majority of the government's budget should be spent on
to reduce the number of
, save wealth and enhance the living standard.
Submitted by Nastaran_zandy on

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Try to refine the arguments presented to make them more distinct and impactful. For example, use separate paragraphs for each unique point and avoid repetition to make each idea stand out more clearly.
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Aim to maintain consistent tense throughout the essay to enhance its fluency. Pay attention to minor grammatical issues that may sometimes hinder the readability of the essay.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame the argument.
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The main points are well-supported with relevant examples and explanations.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • preventative measures
  • health education
  • chronic diseases
  • infectious disease outbreaks
  • cost-effective
  • advanced illnesses
  • healthcare facilities
  • healthcare professionals
  • allocation of resources
  • quality of life
  • healthier lifestyle choices
  • early detection
  • socioeconomic benefits
  • absenteeism
  • ethical obligation
  • public health outcomes
  • health budget
  • diverted
  • healthcare burden
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