Technologies like AI and Robotics are automating many human jobs and helping to maximize company profits. However, this may result in a new wave of mass unemployment and government should step in to regulate these fields. Discuss arguments for both sides and give your opinion.

People believe that the government should take an act regarding the massive layoffs in numerous companies because they replace their workers with machine intelligence.
, there is a slight hope for the news.
, machines still have a plethora of issues that limit their functions.
, other than the limitation, they still utilize the human to operate, making the
vacancy increase. The government doesn't need to take action regarding the issue
To begin
with, there are some differences between the artificial and the worker in doing their assignment that make them have some sort of limitations.
, people believe those limitations will be reduced in the future as a cause of technological advancement.
, they have a high rate of error in recent history.
, the limitation could make the decision-making of a machine risk its companies.
was proved more as experts believed that the machine currently has an error rate of 40% of each decision-making per minute.
, machines still have limitations that make them cannot replace
. Other than AI have several issues,
have something to offer that modern technology cannot. under those circumstances, the AI needs
to operate and correspondingly, expand their
, the appearance of an AI will not endanger the worker positions but will alter the professional descriptions.
For example
, the emergence of software engineering is created from the AI drawbacks.
In addition
, Experts believe that AI expands
options by 30%, mostly in the programming area.
As a result
, the human was not replaced by the robot, but the robot regressed the type of jobs scattered in society. The robots will alter and expand the
alternatives by now or in the future
, gadget still has more drawbacks than
In the same fashion
, human has something to bring to the table that makes
positions number grow.
, I believe the authorities should not make a policy regarding that, as the robot was not endangered by the human positions as it looked.
Submitted by arsyiiimuhammad061 on

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