Some people say that there is too much harmful content on the internet. They say the only way to make the internet safe is for the government to censor the content of websites. To what extent do you think the government should control what information is available on the internet?

The world wide web has become the greatest in being visited over the years. Some commentators argue that the quality of information given to people is damaging their perception of life.
others suggest that removing harmful websites makes it safer. I believe that the local authorities should remove only the worst negative information. As we acknowledge people and teenagers are becoming more immersed in the internet. The current data that we see today give us a wide range of knowledge sources, that actually can be useful.
For instance
, the news brings reports around the world which are truly advantageous in
, high-quality contents are presented in videos or sketches which help us to become better,
as videos of how to repair an engine or how to succeed in a particular exam.
, surfacing on the internet increases the probability of watching inadequate content and
can produce psychological damage to our offspring.
For instance
, pornography and core death videos are impacting dramatically the brain of them.
As a result
, they become more stressful, unkind and lonely people, which implies changing their lifestyle in the worst way. For that reason, in my view, governmental authorities should tackle
, by banning websites with
To conclude
everybody manages the content received.
some websites are practically useful to learn something. The authorities should block specific pages to avoid harm to our children and teenagers. In my view, removing
terrible information can increase confidence in them to be friendly and good members of society.
Submitted by jolo9419jmor on

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task achievement
The essay should more clearly delineate the balance between the amount of control and the freedom on the internet.
coherence cohesion
Some paragraphs lack cohesion, particularly in the transition between ideas. Work on creating smoother transitions.
introduction conclusion present
Good introduction and conclusion, providing a clear frame for the essay.
clear comprehensive ideas
The essay attempts to address both sides of the argument, which is essential for a balanced response.
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