In many countries, the number of people suffering from stress is increasing. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to tackle it?

are becoming stressed substantially these days. The number of stressed citizens is on top levels in many nations. In
essay, I will describe some causes of the issue and put forward measures to tackle it. One of the main causes of
is a multitasking environment related to services area jobs.
For instance
, writing a report, calling customers and being aware of the next meeting all at the same time, may affect tasking achievement performance. Citizens who are immersed in
jobs are getting more and more overwhelmed by it. Overtime hours
can increase the
, more of them are working around twelve hours per day, wasting their time at work
of being with family or hanging out with friends. So, all these factors can contribute to having a complicated life with frustrations. Some measures could be applied to solve
problem. One method could be to find another suitable job that gives gentle spaces with kind partners. Sharing with other
apart from job tasks could increase the probability of pressure release.
, including exercise in your daily routine can be another method of living without
. It is known that exercise boosts productivity, including
keeps the performance at high levels throughout each day. Both methods tackle the stressful life that we face these days.
To conclude
, even though there are many factors which raise
, I suggest that keeping away from toxic jobs and doing exercise every day could help your mind and body to live without tension.
Submitted by jolo9419jmor on

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task achievement
While the essay addresses key points, it would be beneficial to provide more detailed examples and further explanation for some points. For instance, discussing specific types of jobs or providing statistics could strengthen the argument.
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Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single main idea. This helps in maintaining a logical flow and makes the essay easier to follow. Currently, the paragraphs touch upon several points, which can affect coherence and clarity.
introduction conclusion present
The essay has a clear introduction that sets the stage for the discussion to follow, and a conclusion that ties everything together well.
coherence cohesion
The use of connectors like 'for instance', 'so', and 'moreover' helps in linking ideas and maintaining the flow of the essay.
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