Nowadaysn teenagers are suffering from a lot of pressure.Write an esay of about 250 words to list the causes of teen pressure and give solutions to overcome?

In our contemporary era, it is widely acknowledged that the younger generation is experiencing significant
. The primary sources of
phenomenon are the excessive use of social
and the relentless pursuit of popularity.
, these issues can be addressed by promoting a healthier and more balanced lifestyle through the collaborative efforts of families and the
. The advent of new technologies and the accessibility of social
platforms like Facebook and Instagram have cultivated a culture that values a more social, extroverted, and often superficial lifestyle among teenagers.
shift has led to several unforeseen consequences.
For instance
, in Kazan, university students have suffered serious injuries
taking selfies and videos for their social
accounts in a quest for more subscribers and fleeting fame.
, some individuals have exploited their hospitalizations by documenting their medical procedures and recovery processes online, hoping to attract
attention. These actions exemplify the harmful social
placed on today's youth. To counter these issues,
organizations must work closely with families and communities to provide educational and supportive resources.
For example
, in Moscow, a group of socially conscious IT professionals developed a free app called Cuma, which promotes healthier and more balanced nutrition within the community.
app offers 24/7 support for public requests from suburban and rural areas. It
includes a "fund your clothes" feature, enabling city residents to donate items to designated offices for those in need.
initiative, supported by the
through funding and facilities, serves as a model for focusing on societal support rather than personal materialism. In conclusion, the younger generation today faces immense
to showcase their abilities and lifestyles on social
, significantly impacting their daily lives.
, with the combined efforts of family members and
authorities, it is possible to address
issue and help our future generations thrive. By fostering a supportive environment and promoting meaningful community engagement, we can mitigate the adverse effects of social
and encourage a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle for our youth.
Submitted by gainutdin87 on

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There are minor grammatical errors that could be corrected to improve clarity, such as 'generations thrive' instead of 'generation thrive'. Additionally, ensuring the essay maintains consistent complexity and sophistication in sentence structures can enhance overall coherence. For instance, some sentences could be simplified for clearer communication without losing their meaning, particularly in the examples illustrating social media's impact.
task response
When discussing solutions, providing a more detailed explanation on how these measures will directly counteract the pressures faced by teenagers can strengthen the argument. For instance, elaborating on how the Cuma app specifically mitigates social media pressures would provide clearer connections between solutions and problems.
The essay presents a broad and coherent introduction and conclusion, marking clear boundaries and summarizing the key arguments effectively. The introduction sets the stage well, and the conclusion reiterates the main points while suggesting hope and cooperation.
There is a logical progression throughout the essay, with each paragraph leading naturally to the next. The use of real-life examples, such as the app Cuma, adds practical relevance and concreteness to the arguments, making them more compelling and relatable.
task response
The essay addresses the task comprehensively, identifying clear causes of teenage pressure and proposing viable solutions. Main ideas are clear and well-developed, supported by specific examples that highlight the issues and responses.

Answer the 'Problem and Solution' topic

Problem-and-solution essays fall naturally into two parts, the first describing and exploring the problem, the second setting out the solution or solutions.

You essay structure should look something like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – Problems
  • Body paragraph 2 – Solutions
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • One of the first problems of the...
  • Another problem that needs to be considered...
  • A possible solution to this problem would be...
  • One immediate practical solution is to...

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • **Academic Pressure**: competition, prestigious, workload, counseling services
  • **Social Media Influence**: digital literacy, anxiety, self-esteem, boundaries, offline activities
  • **Family Expectations**: unrealistic self-expectations, open communication, realistic goals, emotional support
  • **Peer Pressure**: fit in, accepted, risky behaviors, supportive environment, coping mechanisms, extracurricular
  • **Economic Pressures**: financial constraints, part-time jobs, financial aid programs, stress management workshops
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