Topic: Technology and its impact on society Question: In recent years, advancements in technology have transformed various aspects of society. Discuss both the positive and negative impacts of technology on individuals and communities. Provide relevant examples and your own opinion.

The developments of
have impacted community life in good and bad ways. The benefits are it would help
to do their tasks quickly and make their lives more practical,
the drawback is it would make humans lazier. In my opinion, the use of
wisely would be helpful for society's life. On one hand, the
assists humans to do everything effectively.
sophisticated tool seems like a helper for everything.
For example
, students can find answers to their homework easily by using ChatGPT.
, it would help
to do many tasks at the same time.
For example
, workers who are in their rush hour would prefer to order online food for their lunch as they can not leave the assignment
they are craving.
On the other hand
, since every task is easier to do, the citizens' behaviour changes to be lazier. It happens when
too rely on
modern tool for everything.
For example
, inappropriate students always only copy the answers to their homework from ChatGPT without understanding it more so that their tasks must be done, but their real knowledge is not increasing. So, if there is a sudden test in the class about the lesson that has been taught recently, they can answer it well. In conclusion,
can fulfil
's needs effectively, it
might bring them change into a lazy person. I believe
would be really helpful in a person's life if the community can use it wisely.
Submitted by nirmalindah on

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task achievement
To improve, consider using more specific examples to illustrate your points. For instance, mention some cases where technology specifically improved productivity or discuss certain technological advancements in detail.
task achievement
Strengthen your argument by addressing counterpoints more thoroughly. This will show a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
coherence and cohesion
Improve transitions between ideas to make your essay flow more smoothly. Use linking words and phrases effectively to guide the reader through your argument.
coherence and cohesion
Ensure consistency in terminology. For instance, use either 'technology' or 'modern tools', but not both interchangeably. Consistent terminology helps to maintain clarity.
coherence and cohesion
The essay contains a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps to frame your main points effectively.
task achievement
You have provided a balanced view by discussing both the positive and negative impacts of technology, fulfilling the requirements of the task.
task achievement
Your opinion is clearly stated, and it integrates well with the rest of your essay, demonstrating a good understanding of the topic.
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