Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the modern era, because of high technology development, citizens can gain access to the
easily. Correspondingly, they realise that reports media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. Many believe that it is harmful to individuals and society. I personally feel that
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actually informative and beneficial which can raise public awareness. On the one hand, there are three major reasons why people think the
should comprise plenty of positive developments.
, after a long day of working and learning, all things dwellers want to hear is just good
that gives them
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the motivation
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to continue walking forward and makes them feel that their efforts paid off.
, no one can work efficiently
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full of worries in the mind.
, some pleasant chronicles about heart-warming behaviour can encourage citizens to follow, and
as a result
, society will be more wholesome.
On the other hand
, I strongly believe that problems and issues must be the main part of the
. It would be terrible if residents didn't get the pieces of information about disease, crimes, disasters and some emergencies to deal with. Much bad
can be considered
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for dwellers to avoid mistakes,
encourages gratitude
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precious safety.
, reporting concerns encourages inhabitants to coordinate with others to find solutions together.
naturally creates social bonding among communities.
To conclude
it is often argued that it is essential for people to know about positive developments, I maintain that negative
is a top priority in the fourth technological revolution.
Submitted by midden-02.tore on

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