MajorityCorrect article usage
show examples
agree that
newspaperCorrect article usage
show examples
is the most accurate source of
partFix the agreement mistake
show examples
societiesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
opine that there
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
manyReplace the quantifier
show examples
offered by other
mediasCorrect your spelling
show examples
. In
essay, I will describe both views. Where
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
best for
itsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
credibility, other media
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
popular for
itsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
ease of access and affordability.
chooseChange the verb form
show examples
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
because of the credibility offered by publishers.
NewspaperAdd an article
show examples
been existedChange to the active voice
show examples
for centuries, so it has
a Correct article usage
show examples
great public
trustsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
. The publishers that sell
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have been registered in formal
institutionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
managed by
governmentAdd an article
show examples
, the article within a
has been
wentChange the verb form
show examples
through a long process
as double-checking and expert review. These practices have been applied for decades
onChange preposition
show examples
publisherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in Indonesia
as Jawa Pos, and Tempo.
as digital
isChange the verb form
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
can be easily accessed and free.
only need to be connected to the Internet and they can read a whole article. The information
alsoAdd a missing verb
show examples
written by various
mediasCorrect your spelling
show examples
and some of them are available in Blog.
, there has been an increasing case of fake
inChange preposition
show examples
the Internet because anybody could write and publish
a Remove the article
show examples
, to avoid believing a hoax,
be independently checkChange the verb form
show examples
the information.
In conclusion,
newsAdd an article
show examples
a factual informationRemove the article
factual information
a piece of factual information
show examples
and we should put credibility as the number one priority. Currently,
is mainly served by newspapers, not the digital
mediasCorrect your spelling
show examples
that contain many fake