In many countries, truancy* is a serious issue for both parents and educators. •What are the causes of truancy, and what may be the effects on the child and the wider community?

Truancy is a huge problem and threat for both parents and teachers. There could be many reasons why students like
, they might do
because they don't like the lessons or teachers or have an exact and reasonable cause. First things
children can skip lessons because they are not
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the class or they dislike a teacher. Some children who like maths may not like literature. It
may be caused by toxic teachers who will try to fail students or just
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For instance
, in Ghana, one informatics teacher was so determined to teach his kids so much, that he drew a whole computer on the blackboard to make them ready if they ever get in front of the real computer. From his words, literally not any student missed his class except for some serious reasons. Second things
they could be in some trouble without letting their parents know. There could be some causes
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which young people miss their classes.
For example
, someone's best friend could be in the hospital or someone could be traumatized and they visit some psychologists. I know, it may sound weird. But Gen Z is known to do some things without letting their parents know. In conclusion,
issue is considered to be extremely dangerous.
, I would like to recommend paying more attention to children and stop being toxic towards them. I believe
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these actions will decrease the amount of truancy a lot and eventually, fix the issue
Submitted by akzharkynzhamal on

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