Nowadays people can buy a large variety of household goods more than ever before in most countries in the world.what is the cause of it?Is it a good or bad development?Give your opinion and examples.

Nowadays there is an increasing trend in
to buy multiple
appliances and things compared to the earlier times.
may be
due to
social pressure and inspiration from social media.
doing so is making their lives easier by reducing the manual effort to do most chores, I believe that it can
induce financial burdens on
who might not afford to spend on
items. In
essay, I will
explain why I am confident about my point of view.
To begin
with, we can say that being extravagant
purchasing domestic items could be out of influence from the media . Masses in the earlier times did not much have access to global channels, and
, were satisfied with what they had.
, in modern times, exposure to national and foreign channels has permitted
manufacturing companies to exaggerate
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their products, encouraging
to consider these products as a dire necessity of life.
For example
, a food processor was considered unnecessary earlier and most women were comfortable chopping vegetables manually.
, nowadays
is seen in every
and is taken as the need of the hour.
act of
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on domestic things may be to maintain a status quo in the social circle. These days, there seems to be a never-ending race of lavish spending in order to boast about one's richness and high quality of life among peers.
, posting private lives on social media has exacerbated
issue, so, everyone wants to show off their ability to go the extra mile about their purchasing power.
For instance
, possession of furniture or bedding from specific brands is considered to be a symbol of wealth in my country and most
prefer to buy from
brands only to maintain their so-called respect among their friends and family members. In conclusion, having a variety of
goods is satisfying only if one can easily afford them.
, I believe it should be need-driven,
of for the sole purpose of displaying and instilling a feeling of inferiority complex among others.
, one should always prioritize taking care of the basic needs of life and saving for the rainy days over collecting unnecessary goods at home.
Submitted by dr.aqeelazafar on

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task achievement
While your essay offers relevant examples and clear ideas, try to elaborate more on the impact of financial burden on individuals. This will help provide a more complete response to the prompt.
coherence cohesion
To further enhance coherence and cohesion, consider using more varied linking words and phrases throughout the essay. This will help improve the flow of your arguments.
coherence cohesion
You have a logical structure, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This helps in maintaining a coherent and cohesive essay.
task achievement
Your essay provides a complete response to the prompt and addresses both causes and implications of the trend on buying household goods.
task achievement
You used relevant specific examples to support your points, making your arguments more compelling.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Globalization
  • International trade
  • Trade barriers
  • Tariffs
  • Technological advancements
  • Automation
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Efficiency
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Consumers
  • Competition
  • Innovation
  • Diversification
  • Standard of living
  • Disposable income
  • Demand and supply
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