Write about the following topic: A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In the present day, societies are rating individuals by their social class and materialistic things. unlike the so-called old days when people looked at a person's
as trust and honesty. It is agreed that
things have lost their importance nowadays. In
essay, we will discuss the impact of social
in changing our
To begin
with, it is well known that the
industry rules our society. that's why in
century someone's worth is judged by the criteria made by
For instance
, The mainstream
and TV shows, Show us that the only happy ending is being rich or famous rather than being trustworthy or kind. which reflects in our community that having honour and trust is worthless, And only your title and your possessions can show your value to the world.
, TV shows in the 90s did not have the same impact on the community. Because those series emphasised traditional
as being more important than a person's net worth.
For example
, 90s movies picture heroes as being trustworthy and kind with (old-fashioned
). Unfortunately, The criteria of
have changed to what the mainstream
is advertising.
To sum up
, Old-fashioned
are very important in my personal view. being honest and kind is far more important than material things. You can have all the money in the world and still be judged if you are rude. Sadly, the
rules our perspective of what a person is worth.
Submitted by llaora on

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The essay addresses the task by discussing both the past and present values in a detailed manner.
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