Most societies are based on rules and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever they wanted, society could not function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is admitted that all civilizations have regulations to ensure the smooth operation of their societies, so some proponents believe that judicial policies play an indispensable role in modern society. I firmly agree with
statement. The foremost advantage is the protection of an individual's
and duties in the social order. Freedom of choice is one of the key fundamentals of a democratic society, so people have the right to select their religion. To prevent discrimination and protect human
, there are some relevant policies enacted, so individuals must receive respect from the surrounding community regardless of their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.
allows the general public to express themselves and pursue their beliefs without fear of repression, promoting social harmony and justice.
, preventing unpredictable events in society is the primary goal of the legislation, which is ratified to solve hostile and aggressive actions in daily life.
For example
, executing financial and prison punishment functions as a deterrent to prevent individuals from engaging in criminal actions, including theft, discrimination, or murder. Legislation helps to correct injustices and provide redress for wrongs, ensuring that victims can seek justice.
, rules offer mechanisms for individuals to resolve disputes and conflicts in a fair and orderly manner, preventing escalation into violence. Without these policies, the public would live in constant fear of harm, especially in the context of traffic, where the risk of accidents and injuries is positively correlated with the drawbacks of the current transportation regulations.
, proponents may argue that too many regulations restrict personal freedom and stifle creativity.
excessive regulation can be detrimental, a balanced legal framework is necessary to ensure that individual freedoms do not infringe on the
of others.
For instance
, many superstars report feeling uncomfortable and harassed by paparazzi. Intrusive media practices can disrupt their personal events,
as dating or special anniversaries, adding unnecessary stress to their lives.
To conclude
there may be concerns that too many laws can restrict personal freedoms, the benefits of having a structured legal framework far outweigh these drawbacks. Laws play a crucial role in protecting individual
, ensuring social order, and promoting justice. They provide mechanisms to prevent and resolve conflicts, safeguard against discrimination, and deter criminal activities.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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task achievement
While the essay is well-organized, consider further refining the argument against excessive regulation. Expanding this point could provide a more balanced discussion and demonstrate greater depth.
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Ensure to add more specific and unique examples to strengthen your argument. This will make your essay more persuasive.
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The essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing the discussion.
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Ideas are logically structured, making the argument easy to follow.
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The use of relevant examples significantly strengthens the points made.
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