A rise in childhood obesity is a real threat to health with an increasing number of children now classified as overweight. What are the causes of the problem and what measures can be taken to solve them? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge of experience.

Obesity has become one of the most serious issues related to public health. Most physicians and people who belong to the healthcare field argue that measures have to be taken promptly in order to control
condition straightaway.
, most strategies have been proposed to improve lifestyles and teach all communities the importance of following healthy habits. In
essay, I will explain some causes and solutions. To start with, it is well-known that there are many biological mechanisms which explain the addiction to junk
, mainly because most substances that are found in that type of
stimulate the areas of the brain in charge of pleasure by releasing some neurotransmitters,
as dopamine and serotonin.
, the consumption of fast
is supported by most campaigns and advertisements that are shown daily to the public.
For instance
, in The United States, a junk
advertisement, which is sponsored by most big companies, namely Nestle, McDonalds, Burger King, CocaCola, etc., is displayed on television every 30 seconds Based on the aforementioned, obesity has been considered a pandemic illness that should be controlled, not only because of its immediate impact on daily tasks by leading to fatigue and reducing people’s performances but
due to
the ever-increasing prevalence of chronic diseases,
as primary hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Currently, some solutions have been stipulated and the widespread education of proper lifestyles given by implementing enjoyable methods to exercise and follow a healthy diet has been one of the most successful.
For example
, in Colombia, most universities have changed their curriculums to one in which their students have to take at least two elective classes related to working out and healthy cuisines.
To sum up
, governors must take into consideration the importance of following good habits because of their direct relationship with chronic diseases.
leisure activities are important and have to be present in families, many measures should be implemented to promote health and prevent diseases.
Submitted by luciaagudelomotta on

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task achievement
To improve your task response score, make sure to address each part of the task explicitly and thoroughly. Focus on elaborating further on the causes and solutions to childhood obesity with more depth. You could also enhance your argument by presenting statistical data or more diverse real-life examples.
coherence cohesion
For coherence and cohesion, work on making your transitions smoother and your arguments more logically organized. Ensure that each paragraph follows a clear and logical path to make your essay easier to follow.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay includes a clear introduction and conclusion, which is essential for providing a cohesive structure.
relevant specific examples
The use of specific examples, such as the references to advertising in the United States and changes in Colombian universities, helps illustrate your points effectively.
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