In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Supermarkets have revolutionized the way people make purchases these days:
in the past, customers could only obtain local
, they now can buy various kinds of imported goods from local stores.
I acknowledge the
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development brings, I still regard
opportunity as a positive change. Environmental degradation is one of the negative ramifications of having foreign commodities in local markets. Once
are manufactured overseas - thousands of miles away from the exporting country - they need to be transported via ships and, if the area is landlocked, trucks. The problem,
, is that these modes of transit mainly run on
non- renewable
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energy sources, leading to increased vehicle emissions
due to
long travel distances.
As a result
, it exacerbates the existing problem of tackling global warming and increases an individual's carbon footprint. Despite the aforementioned challenges, the availability of food
from all over the world brings not only individual but
benefits. On an individual
, most imported goods,
as exotic fruits (mangoes and tangerines), coffee beans, or even as basic as tea, may be unavailable in a country. Importing those food
into the country is the only choice for making them accessible to a wider public. In the absence of these items, one would have to go overseas to obtain them, which is both time-consuming and not a cost-effective option. On a societal
, it can give rise to the opening of new job vacancies for those who deal with trading and import-export practices, reducing unemployment rates to a certain
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the influx of foreign
a market forces
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a market force
market forces
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local producers to be more competitive, driving them towards creating more affordable and
good- quality
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to survive in
increasingly fierce
of competition, which is beneficial for end-users. In conclusion, the presence of foods from across the globe is not without its drawbacks.
, the advantages that it brings far outweigh the drawbacks.
Submitted by mamashukuruvbobur31 on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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