IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern era, shoppers can visit convenience stores and purchase food from various places around the world. While individuals have their own standards when consuming and investing in food, this trend raises concern
In our modern world, it is really convenient that people can purchase any food from around the world in their local supermarket. In my opinion, besides the benefits it may bring to individuals, I assume that this is a ne
In recent years, due to the advancements in transportation systems between some countries, people can purchase non-native products from markets. There are several types of foods in supermarkets that have been made in oth
In recent years, due to the development of globalization, in some nations, it is extremely easy for customers to buy food produced all around the world. In this essay, I think this development has both positive and negat
There are different foods and goods from worldwide in the supermarkets for consumers. This provides a partly true side for people, and also we will discuss positive and negative sides and summarize them.
Today, a lot of people have access to a wide range of foods which are produced worldwide in supermarkets. I completley think it is a positive development in the our world, and i explain it in this essay.
In recent years globalisation has reached Pauls whether that is in media, technology, fashion and for now food as well. Distinguished countries are famous for their local produce , especially in cuisines which in my conc
In recent years globalisation has reached pauls whether that is in media, technology, fashion and for now food as well. Distinguish countries are famous for thier local produce especially in cuisines which in my concern
Supermarkets have revolutionized the way people make purchases these days: while in the past, customers could only obtain local products, they now can buy various kinds of imported goods from local stores. While I acknow
In the current era, many buyers can easily find international food products in a specific section. This results in many advantages for the consumer however there are some disadvantages too. I believe that this developmen
Customers, who come from different places, can buy multiple meals and snacks, which are produced in other countries, in a supermarket in the present. It brings a pro and con for the nation's society and their economy. In
Customers, who come from different place, can buy multiple meal and snacks, which produce in the other countries, in a supermarket in the present. It brings the pro and con for the nation society and their econimic. In m
There are various facilities in the supermarket for the sellers around the world. Although there will be problems with the quality of items, I firmly believe it will be the best chance for cultural exchange.
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