Children are now less active in their free time than in the past. Therefore, sports lessons must be compulsory in school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

present time, Offspring are spending more and more time on video games and screen time making them less and less physically active and away from the outside world,
, Educational institutions are agreeing to make
a mandatory subject for young students. In
essay, I will mention how athletic activity can impact
's development, And how it can affect their health.
To begin
with, Parents nowadays are becoming busier than ever
due to
the higher demanding work environments of the present world. So, They Allow their
to fall into the bad habit of screen addiction. Which can poorly affect their brains. A recent study showed that
involved in physical
have better brain function and a faster development rate.
For example
, Youngsters playing football have better motor skills and problem-solving skills, Making them superior to those who lead a sedentary life routine.
In addition
Correct your spelling
the former reason, Governments should make PE compulsory in schools,
Due to
, The positive health benefits it can leave on the younger population. It is well known that Athletic Activity improves cardiac function and muscle strength,
As well as
, maintaining a good BMI. So, Encouraging
to become more physically active is considered a prevention method for many chronic diseases
as (diabetes, Obesity, and High \ Low blood pressure).
To sum up
, Active
will lead a healthier lifestyle.
, decreasing the risk of them having any illnesses.
As well as
offspring playing any
have better-functioning brains. And
that is
enough reason to make
lessons mandatory.
Submitted by llaora on

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task achievement
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introduction conclusion present
The introduction sets the stage well, clearly stating the issue and the writer’s stance.
supported main points
The essay covers several strong points supporting the main argument, making a compelling case for compulsory sports lessons.
introduction conclusion present
Conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and reinforces the writer’s position.
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