In recent years, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks rather than paper books. Do the advantages of reading ebooks outweigh disadvantages?

In the modern era, a transformation in reading has become evident, with a growing number of readers choosing digital
over printed ones.
essay argues that the benefits of ebooks over physical
surpass their drawbacks. One of the primary merits of reading online is
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convenience. Unlike printed
, ebooks offer portability and accessibility across platforms. It means that readers can carry their entire library wherever they go, on digital devices,
as smartphones, e-readers, tablets, or laptops.
, digital
, which are often provided free on the internet or at a lower cost than physical ones, help people save money and make them more appealing to a broader readership. Beyond the financial advantages, the rise in reading digital
of paper
has led to a decrease in the demand for printed materials
as papers, ink, and energy for production, and
it has resulted in positive impacts on the environment, like reducing tree cutting, wasting non-renewable resources.
, reading online
has some potential strains to consider. By using digital devices to enjoy
, readers can be easily disturbed by lots of notifications from other applications, which leads to a short-term focus span and can diminish reading effectiveness, which hardly occurs with paper
, electronic screens potentially cause eye discomfort and even vision problems like short-sightedness or irritation
due to
the blue light they emit. In summary, despite concerns about problems associated with e-reading, the advantages of
trend far outweigh the disadvantages. With the convenience, accessibility, and affordability of ebooks, combined with innovation in e-readers to improve reading experiences, there is a definite trend that digital
will persist and continue to grow significantly.
Submitted by nguyenthihongduc109 on

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task achievement
While your essay effectively answers the prompt, ensure that the potential downsides of reading eBooks are elaborated upon a bit more to balance your argument further.
coherence cohesion
Improve transitions between paragraphs for smoother flow. Consider using phrases like 'In contrast,' 'On the other hand,' or 'Furthermore' to clarify connections.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which enhances the overall structure.
task achievement
You provide relevant examples and clear arguments, showing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
task achievement
You present a balanced view while making a cogent argument in favor of eBooks, demonstrating critical thinking.

Your opinion

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