The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend. Do you agree or disagree?

The debate over the length of employees' working days has sparked considerable controversy.
some advocate for shortening them, I vehemently believe that the current schedule is more conducive to a better performance
due to
the reasons
elaborates on.
To begin
with, an extended period of resting brings laziness out of people. By being away from the work environment for several days, they'd struggle going back to it.
, they'd need more
to adapt to the atmosphere, ultimately affecting their productivity levels.
, with more
they'd have to spend with their families, employees will undoubtedly find it more taxing to be away from them afterwards, negatively influencing their mentality.
, their concentration levels will profoundly dwindle.
exacerbation in focus
makes their journey to success challenging. Iranian companies,
for instance
, once reported a considerable decrease in workers' productive hours after introducing an additional day off.
, some may claim that the current hectic schedule severely damages the staff's mental health. They assume making the work schedule more flexible by extending their weekends, provides them with adequate
to unwind and recover from the demanding work days.
, if they spend less
in the workplace, they'll be less likely to regard their job as monotonous, thereby contributing more to their company. To illustrate, a survey conducted in one European company demonstrated a boost in staff mental health and job satisfaction. Despite some accuracy to
perspective, pursuing it often comes at the cost of jeopardizing companies' income and in severe cases, the countries' economy. In conclusion,
some contend that it is best for staff to be given a lengthened weekend, I firmly believe that they are having enough at the moment. In fact, doing so not only poses a significant threat to their productivity but
lowers the chance of achieving their job prospects
Submitted by bita.rezaei7052 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • productivity
  • burnout
  • motivation
  • mental well-being
  • work-life balance
  • job satisfaction
  • pollution levels
  • traffic congestion
  • consumer spending
  • economic implications
  • leisure and service sectors
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