In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in AI and automation technologies. Some argue that these technologies will lead to widespread job displacement. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Recently, AI and automation
have made notable progress in humanity. Some believe that these advancements will widespread job displacement. In
essay, I would like to shed light on perspectives
along with
my opinion in the upcoming paragraphs. On the one hand, the concern that AI and modern
will replace people in some industries.
is because Artificial Intelligence and
are being applied in various sectors, especially in fields related to machinery. One good example of
is self-driving vehicles which have caused redundancies in driving jobs since these
have higher productivity than human resources.
, in production, machines are programmed to handle a greater workload than
with better efficiency
that is
conducive to a productive production line.
For instance
, improved AI-powered tools will process customer requests in seconds, which might take
a couple of times to deal with. Consequences, properly lead to a serious repercussion of citizens being out of work.
, I believe AI and leading-edge
cannot lead to widespread job displacement.
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to displace certain works, it
offers opportunities for occupation creation and economic growth.
, AI is created by individuals as a tool working it is hard for it to become the main workforce of any field.
, these robots seem useless if they lack fundamental and key factors
as practical experience, that only
possess. In conclusion,
it is true that Al has the potential to automate many tasks currently performed by human workers, it is unlikely that it will completely replace
in the workforce. Al is still limited in its abilities, and many jobs require a human touch that cannot be replicated by machines.
Submitted by quynhtranhbh on

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task achievement
Try to use more specific examples and data to support your points. This can strengthen your arguments and make your essay more compelling.
task achievement
Work on sentence structure and word choice to improve clarity. For instance, rephrasing 'although Artificial Intelligence has the potential to displace certain works' to 'although Artificial Intelligence has the potential to displace certain jobs' would be clearer.
coherence cohesion
Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to improve the overall flow of your essay. This can help maintain the reader’s attention and provide a more coherent argument.
coherence cohesion
Vary your sentence structures to make your writing more engaging. This can help maintain the reader’s interest and demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly states the topic and presents your stance, which provides a solid foundation for the rest of the essay. This is crucial for a high score in both task achievement and coherence/cohesion.
introduction conclusion present
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the main points of your essay and reiterates your position, which ties the essay together neatly.
relevant specific examples
The examples you provided (self-driving vehicles and AI-powered tools) are relevant and help illustrate your points, contributing positively to task achievement.
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