Many people go through life doing work that they hate or have no talent for. Why does this happen? What are the consequences of this situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

As the topic suggests, there are lots of
reluctantly engaged in lifetime
for which they have no affection or any specialized ability. I think
often happens because most
are not given appropriate jobs
according to
their own abilities in the first place. And the end of
situation is miserable because individuals cannot be competitive and usually become depressed which leads to less productivity of a company or a society in the future.
I think
often happens because most
do not have a chance to pursue hard
suitable to their talents and
, they are unable to
cultivate their own abilities.
That is
, if
are given a
in which they are not well skilled and which they do not like, quite often they start to become reluctant even though with a huge encouragement and without any unexpected success, which usually ends in less productivity with depression or harassment problems in the workplace.
For instance
, many harassment scandals in Japan are reported to be between a colleague or senior worker with talent and zest and one without talent and willingness.
, if more and more
become reluctant to
because the
is not interesting or motivating, a company or a community cannot produce profits or achievements to the extent
that is
expected when the workers are working willingly and motivated enough.
In other words
, if
are allocated a
they think is interesting and enjoyable with some confidence, they often start to
willingly without any complementation.
For example
, in public workers in Japan, it has been a traditional rule since the Edo era to distribute personnel to each suitable
under the same salary and it has worked well until now, breaking
rule leads to horrible ends
harassment or one’s impairment of mental status. In conclusion,
there are many
who must keep working unwillingly for their lifetime,
leads to an impairment of society and leaders in workplaces should be aware of the responsibility to give workers proper jobs
according to
their traits.
Submitted by kana_ayaki on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • dread
  • passion
  • inherent talent
  • fufilling
  • career
  • job
  • fulfilled
  • unhappy
  • unsatisfied
  • work-life balance
  • burnout
  • stress
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • self-esteem
  • emotional well-being
  • potential
  • achieve
  • success
  • personal growth
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