Waste disposal presents increasing problems, especially in urban areas. What do you think are the causes? Give some suggestion to the government and individuals on how to reduce the amount of rubbish.

In big cities, the amount of
generated by human activities is increasing every year. There are causes of
issue and solutions that can be considered to tackle these problems which I will elaborate on below. Perhaps, the major reason why
happens is the rapid urbanization leading to increased population density in cities contributes to escalating
disposal issues, as more residents generate more garbage.
happens because people believe that living in capital cities can provide them with opportunities for career advancements.
, excessive consumption patterns, particularly in developed countries, where single-use products and packaging significantly add to the volume of
produced. Aiming to reduce cost, the use of single-use packaging has become a company's option to sell their products.
For example
, fast-food chains like McDonald's and Starbucks rely heavily on disposable packaging to serve their products quickly and cheaply. Moving to the solutions, educational campaigns aimed at increasing public awareness about the importance of
reduction, proper segregation, and recycling methods can help change collective
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management. A country will be prosperous if society is more educated and funding for city maintenance could be allocated for other purposes
as healthcare.
In addition
, investing in modern
management technologies
as efficient recycling plants,
-to-energy facilities, and innovative composting techniques could significantly reduce the
For instance
, the Indonesian government's successful efforts to solve the
paper problem by providing recycling machines. In conclusion, rapid urbanization leads to increased population density and can produce more glass, paper, cloth, or wood to be disposed of.
, engaging society to overcome trash by educating them will be helpful.
Submitted by bonarpasaribuu on

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task achievement
Try to further elaborate on your main points with more specific examples and data to make your arguments stronger.
coherence cohesion
Ensure the introduction is a bit more structured with a clear thesis statement to set the stage for your essay.
task achievement
You successfully covered both causes and solutions regarding waste disposal issues.
coherence cohesion
Your essay flows well with a logical structure from the causes to the solutions.
coherence cohesion
The essay has clear organization with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • urbanization
  • population density
  • excessive consumption
  • single-use products
  • waste management infrastructure
  • recycling
  • composting
  • public awareness
  • zero-waste lifestyles
  • reusable
  • recyclable
  • waste-to-energy facilities
  • proper segregation
  • innovative composting techniques
  • eco-friendly products
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