Some think they can use as much fresh water as they want, but others say governments should limit water use because it’s not endless. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is certainly true and I agree that authorities should control the
of fresh
as there is no end for the usage.
, some people believe that there should not be any limit to the
of fresh
. I have discussed both views and
Change the form of the verb
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my opinion below. It is obvious that fresh
is a basic necessity for human beings,
, the consumption of fresh
should be limitless. People
to fulfil their daily activities. Considering the world's population and their need, fresh
supply is one the biggest requirements for any nation.
due to
advancements in technological development and industrial growth , freshwater demand has been significantly increased to meet the production target.
As a result
, many people think that there should be a non-stop supply of fresh
regardless of their availability or lower ground level.
For instance
, after the COVID-19 pandemic, freshwater demand increased by 25% for healthcare industries to manage their business. On the other side, some individuals agree that fresh
is a natural resource ,
, the government should prepare a plan in order to restrict fresh
consumption as the way
is been utilized by the communities currently, can be ended in the next decade and it may cause severe consequences for lives on the earth. It has been confirmed that a number of natural reservoirs of
are already emptied out in some parts of India.
Due to
, the authorities want to control the
by proper distribution and allocation.
For example
, some developed countries already put steps to cut the
supply by 10% every day for future needs. In conclusion, fresh
is a lifeline and everyone wants as much as possible
due to
basic needs,
, I am of the opinion that its consumption should be restricted as there is no limit to the
of fresh
Submitted by ahv on

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clarity of ideas
Ensure your main ideas are expressed more clearly. For instance, the first paragraph could benefit from more clarity on how technological development and industrial growth relate to increased fresh water demand. This will enhance the coherence of your argument.
relevant specific examples
Provide more relevant and specific examples to support your points. For example, you could give an example of a country or region where unrestricted water use has led to serious issues, or where government restrictions have successfully managed water resources.
logical structure
The essay has a clear and logical structure with introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, making it easy to follow.
complete response
You have successfully presented both sides of the argument before giving your own opinion, which is an important element of task achievement.
introduction conclusion present
The essay features a concluding paragraph that summarizes your stance on the issue, which effectively wraps up the discussion.
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