You recently booked a part-time course at a college. You now need to cancel your booking. Write a letter to the college administrator. In your letter: Say which part-time course you booked. Explain why you need to cancel your booking. Ask about booking a different course.

Dear Sir, I am writing regarding the online part-time course I enrolled in using our college's website. The list offered countless options, but I particularly enjoyed the graphic design program.
As a result
, I made a reservation for it. A laptop is needed to take
course, but sadly, my laptop stopped working yesterday.
, I cannot attend classes using the laptop in the computer lab
due to
the fact that the manager informed me that it is not allowed. I would be grateful if you could approve my request to choose a different program
. I am interested in signing up for a baking course
that is
available. Despite baking being my favourite pastime, I still need to learn some additional techniques to improve my baking skills.
, I do not want to overlook the chance to acquire new knowledge prior to starting college
summer break. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Arthur.
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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task achievement
The letter effectively addresses all three bullet points: the course booked, the reason for cancellation, and the request to book a different course. However, you could provide a bit more detail about why you cannot fix your laptop in time, to enhance the completeness of the response.
coherence cohesion
Improve the transition between paragraphs for better flow. For example, you could use phrases like 'Given this situation' or 'As a result of this issue' to lead into your explanation for needing a different course.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is formal and polite, which is highly appropriate for this context.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear, logical structure in your letter, making it easy to follow your points and understand your situation.
coherence cohesion
Each paragraph focuses on a single idea, which enhances readability and coherence.
coherence cohesion
The letter includes an appropriate greeting and closing, which add to its formality and completeness.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Part-time course
  • Cancellation
  • Booking
  • Administrator
  • Financial situation
  • Work commitments
  • Health issues
  • Inconvenience
  • Transfer
  • Subject area
  • Schedule
  • Format
  • Cancellation policy
  • Refund process
  • Assistance
  • Understanding
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