Some universities student want to learn about other subject in addition to thier main subject. other believe it is more important to give all thier time and attendence to studying for qualification discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

There is no denying the fact that, how crucial is to learn additional books rather than the main subject,
it is a commonly held belief that
should not focus on other resources,there is
an argument that
have to see and look to different books.
essay will analyse
topic from both points of view and express my opinion. On one hand,
will be allowed to go deep into that particular subject.
In other words
, some
are more passionate about that subject which makes them more delighted to go
and look for more resources.
In addition
, some
have curiosity more than others.
For example
, many
would spend time on something they are curious about when that something would bring a beneficial effect why are we going to stop them? rather than that, we
Verb problem
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support them with the right resources they would
Verb problem
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have a significant effect on
Correct article usage
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On the other hand
, sticking to the main book could not be a determinantal idea .It is
possible to say that, people sometimes have difficulties with various references that will distract the student from what he looking for in that resource.
, individuals could search for information on the wrong websites.
For instance
, some people have reached online websites that show incorrect data which makes people more concerned and more distracted and want the right resource. In conclusion,there is no easy answer
Change preposition
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question.On balance,
, I tend to believe that, we should be more careful with our references we should choose the right and certified source and that will assume development in society
Submitted by almutairi.a.257 on

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task response
Consider improving the introduction to clearly outline your thesis statement to make it more compelling. For instance, specify your opinion early on.
task response
Try to provide more specific examples to back up your points. Specific examples can add credibility to your arguments and make your essay more engaging.
coherence and cohesion
Organize your ideas logically with clear paragraphing. Ensure each paragraph has a clear main idea or argument that contributes to your overall point.
coherence and cohesion
Improve your transitions between ideas and paragraphs for better flow. Use linking words and phrases to guide the reader through your argument smoothly.
task response
Your essay addresses the task by discussing both viewpoints and giving your opinion, showing a good overall grasp of the prompt requirements.
task response
Your writing shows a thoughtful consideration of different perspectives, which is essential for a balanced discussion.
coherence and cohesion
You successfully present an introduction and a conclusion, which helps structure your essay effectively.
task response
Your essay attempts to present supporting explanations and arguments, which is commendable, but more specific examples could strengthen your points.
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