Many believe that being good at a sport is a result of talent while others think that it comes from hard work. Discuss both use and give your reason.

Some people agree that having
is essential if you want to master a
On the other hand
, many argue that working consistently and hardly in a
will make you great at it. I think that
is important, still, humans can still be good at any
if they are willing to do their best and believe in themselves. On the one hand, many proponents emphasize that anyone can play any kind of
that they want, but only talented
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who are able to achieve high results. They think that it's something in their gene, and if the player is talented naturally, it will be easier for him or her to generate better ideas faster than anyone else
, they will pass their tasks more properly than the others.
For instance
, a soccer player called Messi was able to gain many awards because it's something in his nature, playing soccer was easy for him even if he did not train as much as the others.
, many people believe that once you have a goal to achieve in a
and you are disciplined toward it, reaching
goal will just be a matter of time. Despite that
plays a big role in being good at a
, humans have no limitations if they are hungry to get something and working hard will help them in that.
In addition
,even if someone has a
the real key to be unique is practice because without it you can not improve.
For example
, Cristiano Ronaldo is able to win against many talented players just because he works day and night
that he has a goal to be the best in soccer. In conclusion,
many think that
is crucial in sports, others choose hard work as the important part of being good at a
. I agree with the second opinion, as commitment and hard work will make anything possible for us.
Submitted by okalqusay on

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Make sure to proofread your work for minor grammatical errors and awkward expressions to improve clarity and readability.
task achievement
Try to provide more detailed and varied examples to support your points more robustly.
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Ensure seamless transitions between ideas to improve overall coherence and cohesion.
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, two main body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
The ideas presented are clear and relevant, addressing both sides of the argument effectively.
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The essay maintains a consistent line of argumentation, showing a logical progression of ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • innate talent
  • genetic advantages
  • physical abilities
  • reflexes
  • rigorous training
  • discipline
  • sports excellence
  • early exposure
  • quality coaching
  • nurturing talent
  • honing skills
  • mental toughness
  • psychological preparation
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