In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry

Despite certain developments in agriculture, people still suffer from hunger in a number of parts of the world. There are several reasons for
issue, which
essay will clarify and cover several ways to solve.
poverty, many cannot afford to buy products from the market or any other place of sale. The second is climate change, which is often met in many regions,
as extreme weather
as droughts or floods, which can devastate crops and livestock, leading to
shortages. Even ongoing conflicts and wars are depriving communities of
and the reason for
is that they leave the area where they live or move to other places.
waste can be seen in several various areas
as a result
of which it is not possible to consume and
shortages occur which result in people starving.
these situations are experienced, there are a lot of key solutions that help prevent hunger. Investment in Smallholder Farmers, and supporting small-scale producers with access to better seeds, tools, training in sustainable practices, and market access can increase their productivity and income.
, developing rural infrastructure
as roads, storage facilities, and irrigation systems can help ranchers get their produce to markets more efficiently and reduce
waste. Mainly, education and training, all of which can be provided in nutrition can empower communities to produce more local
and lead to richer harvests.
In addition
to, promoting Gender Equality, empowering women farmers with equal access to resources and decision-making power can improve household
security and nutrition outcomes. In the end, to make peace or not to waste
according to
the way
that is
simply deduced from the causes.
To conclude
famine is man-made and results in the death of so many people that at least some effort should be made to prevent it from happening.
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coherence cohesion
Try to introduce a clearer topic sentence for each paragraph to improve logical structure and make it easier to follow your argument.
task achievement
Ensure that each main point is well-supported with specific examples for a stronger argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, making it easy to understand the overall argument.
task achievement
Main points are mostly clear and comprehensive, addressing both the causes and solutions to hunger.
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