some people think all lawbreakers should be sent to prison, while others think there are better alternatives for those whose crimes are minor, such as making them do work for the local community. Discuss both these views and give your own opinio

Certain crowds in society argue that everybody who goes out of the law would be transferred to jail.
, I agree with those who believe that depending on the type of crime and how severe it is, several fines, that may
help the public, can be implemented
of dungeons for the little misdeeds. On the one hand, choosing
is a traditional way of punishment. Supporters of incarceration claim that criminals should be deprived of liberty to avoid recidivism.
annually majority of people are put in prison, it seems not to be an essential way since many crimes like rape or theft are still continued. Apart from that, being sent to jail does not have any benefit points for the
as there are not any training or workshops for changing antisocial behaviour in lockup. I concede that some violations
as murder or rape, are deserved harsh punishment and the worst
and penalties must be implemented.
On the other hand
, several individuals believe that if social activities as punishment for little crimes were substitute
, It would be not only better for the
, but
prevent imprisoners from facing the hazardous situation of
In other words
, the lockups for major crimes like murder are the same as ones for tiny felonies like a little theft. If a criminal did not possess strong and dangerous antisocial behaviours, It would be greatly beneficial to deploy them for
work like cutting the grass or helping elderly people in terms of shopping. Doing social activities by minor offenders may enhance rehabilitation and integration in public. In conclusion,
advocators of
claim that sending to prison may be the best and the
way to punish, I think regarding how much the crime is and how impacts the
, some social activities could be considered for tiny wrongdoing to avoid experiencing
and having merits for the public.
Submitted by Maral.qanbarii1992 on

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